Jun 29, 2013, 09.15 PM IST Ravinay Trading Company says, a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on July 01, to consider appointment of Ashish Kapoor as an Additional Director, resignation of Vardhman Mishrilal Jain from Directorship, sub-division of the face value of existing shares of the company, change in name of the company. Like this story, share it with millions of investors on M3 Ravinay Trading Company to consider sub-division of shares on July 1 Ravinay Trading Company says, a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on July 01, to consider appointment of Ashish Kapoor as an Additional Director, resignation of Vardhman Mishrilal Jain from Directorship, sub-division of the face value of existing shares of the company, change in name of the company. Like this story, share it with millions of investors on M3 Ravinay Trading Company to consider sub-division of shares on July 1 Ravinay Trading Company says, a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on July 01, to consider appointment of Ashish Kapoor as an Additional Director, resignation of Vardhman Mishrilal Jain from Directorship, sub-division of the face value of existing shares of the company, change in name of the company. . Share . Email . Print . A+A- Ravinay Trading Company Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on July 01, 2013, inter alia, to consider and take on record the following:1. Appointment of Mr. Ashish Kapoor as an Additional Director of the Company.2. Resignation of Mr. Vardhman Mishrilal Jain from the Directorship of the Company.3. Change in Registered Office of the Company from State Bank Building, Annexe, 1st Floor, Bank Street Fort, Mumbai -400023 to Office No: 002, Gulmohar Complex ,Opp. Anupam Cinema, Station Road, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063.4. Sub-division / Stock Split of the face value of existing shares of the Company.5. Change in name of the Company.6. Date, venue and time for convening the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company for the financial year 2013-14.7. Dates of Book Closure for the purpose of forthcoming Annual General Meeting.Source : BSE Read all announcements in Ravinay Trading
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