Manoj Kumar, a labourer in a garment factory in north-east Delhi, was apprehended from Chiknouta village, about 50 km from Patna, at around 2 AM, Prabhakar, Deputy Commissioner of Police (East), told reporters here. Kumar told police during initial interrogation that he fled the house in east Delhi's Gandhi Nagar at around 7 pm to catch the 8:30 pm Swatantrata Senani Express for his hometown thinking that the girl has died.
Piecing together the sequence, investigators now believe that the girl might have been kidnapped around 6 pm and raped and brutally assaulted allegedly by Kumar and he left the place around 7 pm.
"Kumar told us that he left the house thinking that the girl was dead...The girl was inside the house for 40 hours," Prabhakar said. The girl's mother had told police that the victim, who was playing outside their home, went missing around 6 pm and if the versions of both the mother and Kumar are to believed, the abduction and the brutal rape of the victim took place within one hour.
"We have got the transit remand of Kumar. He is being brought to Delhi. We will have to interrogate him to ascertain the facts," Prabhakar said. Kumar, who got married an year ago, came to Delhi with his father Bindeswar Sahi, who runs a juice shop in Old Seelampur, about 15 years ago. He had two brothers and four sisters who are staying in Bihar.
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